The Sound of Angels Wings

One day I was out walkin’
On my own

I thought there was no one around
I thought I was alone

But then I felt a presence
Somewhere nearby

But there was no one around
No one to catch my eye

Then I heard a sound
A sweet, sweet sound
Even though there was
No one around

It sounded like an angel
Openin’ its wings

Like the sound of a mornin’ bird
Who softly sings

What’s that I hear
Is it Angel’s playin’ harp
The sound sounds quite perfect
Not out of key or sharp

I hear them playin’ violin
The chords of many strings
It must be the sound of angels
The sound of angel’s wings

It must be the sound of angels
The sound of angel’s wings

If someone ever told me
What I had heard

I think I might have told them
To seek a doctor’s word

But I know for certain
As I heard it for myself

Don’t need no one to tell me
What is or isn’t truth

‘Cos when I heard a sound
A sweet, sweet sound
It filled my heart with love
I felt it all around

It sounded like an angel
Openin’ its wings

Like the sound of a mornin’ bird
Who softly sings

What’s that I hear
Is it Angel’s playin’ harp
The sound sounds quite perfect
Not out of key or sharp

I hear them playin’ violin
The chords of many strings
It must be the sound of angels
The sound of angel’s wings

It must be the sound of angels
The sound of angel’s wings

Could that be a tambourine?
A jangle I do hear
Could it be the echo?
Of angels in my ear

Could it be piano
A Piano I do hear
Is that the sound of angels?
Somewhere far or near

Is that the sound of angels?
Somewhere far or near

What’s that I hear
Is it Angel’s playin’ harp
The sound sounds quite perfect
Not out of key or sharp

I hear them playin’ violin
The chords of many strings
It must be the sound of angels
The sound of angel’s wings