Hang on

When you feel like you are falling
Hang on

Before you start to give in
Hang on

You never know the way
Wild winds will blow

You never know the way
The tide will flow

So, go
Go with what you feel
As long as
The feelin’ is real

And rise up
Should you fall
And hang on
With your soul

Oh, hang on
Hang on
Hang on for your life

We were never told
When we were young
We livin’ on the edge of a knife

Hang on
Hang on
Hang on, and don’t let go

‘Cos you never know the way
The way things are gonna’ go

When you feel like you are lonely
Hang on

When you start thinking ‘If only’
Hang on

You never know just when
A change will come

You never should give in
Keep goin’ on

So, go
Go with what you know
Don’t let the
Feelings overflow

Just hang on
And don’t let go
Dry those tears
Before they fall

Oh, hang on
Hang on
Hang on for your life

We were never told
When we were young
We’re livin’ on the edge of a knife

Hang on
Hang on
Hang on, and don’t let go

‘Cos you never know the way
The way things are gonna’ go

No don’t let go
When the heart starts to break
Hold on a little longer
When emotions overtake

No, don’t let go
Should your world fall apart
There’ll be a new beginning
When you mend that broken heart

When you mend that broken heart

Oh, hang on
Hang on
Hang on for your life

We were never told
When we were young
We’re livin’ on the edge of a knife

Hang on
Hang on
Hang on, and don’t let go

‘Cos you never know the way
Those wild winds are gonna’ blow

Hang on
Just hang on